Server 2012 R2 expired 120 days RDS trial reset

March 2020 (0) Iptv 2/23/2025

The RD Licensing grace period has expired and the service has not registered with a license server with installed licenses. A RD Licensing server is required for continuous operation. A Remote Desktop Session Host server can operate without a license server for 120 days after initial start up.
The official solution is to Activate the RDS/TS CAL License server and point the Server to License server with User/Device License and will be resolve the problem
But if you want to reset the timer and again avail 120 days grace time here is the solution
The solution is to delete the REG_BINARY in:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\RCM\GracePeriod
To delete the key you must take ownership and give admin users full control.
After a restart the server will reset the grace period to 120 days.
Server 2012 R2 expired 120 days RDS trial reset

Windows Server 2016/2019 Değerlendirmesi: Deneme Süresi Nasıl Uzatılır?

Windows Server 2012 / 2016'nın değerlendirme sürümü 180 gün boyunca geçerlidir ve deneme sürümünüzü perakende satışa dönüştürebilirsiniz.

Windows Server 2016 veya 2019’u keşfetmek için buradan indirin:

1- PowerShell'i başlatın
2- slmgr -dlv
3- slmgr -rearm
4- Restart-Computer
5- slmgr -dli

Değerlendirme sürümü ticari amaçlarla kullanılamaz.

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